Reports on the Bank of North Dakota, State Mill and Elevator Association, Penitentiary, Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Grafton State School, School for the Blind, School for the Deaf, Industrial School, and the Board of Administration, San Haven State Hospital. February 13, 2007 accession contains an audit report from the January shipment of North Dakota State Depository shipment administered by the State Library, the audit report is from the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office for years ending in 2006 and 2005. April 2, 2008 accession contains the 2006-2007 audit report for the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System, .10 ft in volume and located at the end of collection in box 44. Audit report transferred into collection via the State Library State Depository Program. May 23, 2008 accession consists of 1.75 ft of AUDIT REPORTS, STATE AGENCIES dating from 1995-2006, arranged numerically by client number, reports can be found in boxes 44, 45 and 46. January 20, 2009 accession consists of an audit report of the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office covering the years 2007 and 2008, transferred into the collection via the State Depository Document Program, .10 ft and the audit report can be found in box 46 folder 46. August 21, 2009 accession consists of 1.25 ft of state agency and board audit reports ranging from 1991 to 1999, reports are located in boxes 46 & 47. October 28, 2010 accession consists of .5 ft of reports dated 2003-2010 received via the State Depository Program, accession is housed in box 48.